My VQA Matches

It’s a match!
This is the place to build a curated list of your favourite VQA wines. You have a few options.
1. Use the ‘heart’ to add wines to your list – once you’ve finished, click My Matches in the top right corner of your browser.
2. To add to this Quick List – select to go back to the VQA Matchmaker.
3. If you want to Save or Share your list, Register/Log in
4. Go to ‘My Matches’ to name your new list and click SAVE VQA LIST.
5. Share your VQA Matches with friends or refer back later when you’re ready to purchase.
6. Ready to buy? - Click on the SHOP WINERYbutton to buy directly from the winery or the SHOP LCBO to shop online at the LCBO.
Create an account or Log In to save & share your VQA Matches!