Trip Planner

You can now create a new trip plan.

My Trips

Use our handy Trip Planner to customize your visit to Ontario VQA Wine Country.

You can get started right away, but remember to register or log in if you want to share your trip or save to view later.

  1. Select the region you want to visit. You can explore regions here.
  2. Select the winery/restaurant/accommodation locations you plan to visit.
  3. Click ‘Add to Trip’.
  4. Your list of locations will begin to populate in a list and on the map. Use the +/- on the map to zoom in or out in the map view.
  5. Add or remove locations by clicking the + button or click the – button to remove any chosen location.
  6. Once you’ve completed your trip planning, print, share or save your trip to view later.

Remember, you must be logged in to save or share your trips!